
Young people's experiences of precarious and flexible work – Main Report

The research report presents findings on young people's experiences of precarious and flexible work. These work conditions included where young people had for example zero hours contracts, low wages, lack of progression opportunities, dissatisfaction with current employment, or varying hours.

Appendix F – Summary profile of those in precarious/flexible work and looking to change position

Table A14: Profile of those looking to change position, by education status
Total Not in education In education Precarious and no change
Base 428 106 102 220
Age Group
16 - 19 years old 35% 27% 43% 35%
20 – 24 years old 65% 73% 57% 65%
Male 49% 45% 48% 51%
Female 51% 55% 52% 49%
Social group
ABC1 46% 28% 53% 52%
C2DE 54% 72% 47% 48%
SIMD (excl not NF/refused)
Deprived areas (20% SIMD most deprived) 20% 30% 11% 20%
Not deprived (Not in lowest 20% SIMD area) 80% 70% 89% 80%
Financially independent
Responsible for own bills 37% 41% 30% 38%
Dependent on someone else 63% 59% 69& 61%
Prefer not to say 1% - 1% 1%
Responsible for someone else
Responsible for a dependent 9% 13% 4% 10%
Not responsible for a dependent 90% 87% 95% 90%
Prefer not to say 0% - 1% 1%



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