
Young Person's Guarantee Activity Plan (Phase 1): EQIA and Equality Action Plan

The Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken for the Young Person's Guarantee Activity Plan has highlighted a number of actions to be undertaken in order to fulfil the Public Sector Equality Duty. These actions have also been developed into an Equality Action Plan (see Annex) .

Key Findings

Through engaging with internal analytical services and equality organisations, a strong evidence base has been developed to highlight the inequalities and barriers young people with protected characteristics (age, disability, sex, pregnancy and maternity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion/belief) face when accessing and participating in learning, training, formal volunteering, employment or work experience. The evidence shows that these inequalities and barriers can lead to further adverse labour market outcomes.

The full range of evidence gathered against each protected characteristic, and which has informed the recommendations resulting from this EQIA, can be found in the supporting document entitled 'Young Person's Guarantee Activity Plan (Phase 1) EQIA Evidence'.

In summary, some of key findings gathered from the evidence (against each protected characteristic) include:


Greater unemployment rates and insecure employment was found to be more prevalent for young people.[14],[15]

There has been a disproportionate and adverse impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on younger workers.[16]


The employment rate for those classed as disabled is significantly lower than the employment rate for non-disabled people.[17]

The previous economic recession had a disproportionate impact on employment outcomes for disabled people, including the widening of the wage gap and a decrease in activity rates.[18]

Fewer disabled young adults felt that they are engaged with and listened to than young adults who are not disabled.[19]


There are a number of structural barriers in place concerning women's employment and opportunities available to them (including occupational segregation, lack of flexible working, caring responsibilities, discrimination, and increased likelihood of working in insecure employment particularly resulting from the outbreak of COVID-19).[20], [21]

Pregnancy and Maternity

Young mothers are significantly more likely to experience workplace discrimination, and are more likely to have fewer qualifications and lower incomes[22], [23]

Gender Reassignment

Discrimination faced by trans people is identified as a significant challenge that can lead to difficulty in gaining and retaining employment.[24]

Sexual Orientation

Available evidence regarding LGBTI+ people more broadly can be contradictory but there is evidence of increased unemployment rates, and workplace discrimination and harassment. [25], [26]

Stakeholders have reported that young LGBT people in employment had reported experiencing verbal abuse at work, with some experiencing rumoursthat had been ignored. [27]

Race and Ethnicity

Those from minority ethnic and minority racial groups are more likely to live in deprived areas and in poverty, and are twice as likely to be unemployed as people from white communities. [28], [29]

Previous economic recessions and the economic impact of COVID-19 has disproportionately affected employment of those from minority ethnic and minority racial backgrounds, with women from these backgrounds more at risk of job disruption and precarious employment. [30], [31], [32]

Structural racism and discrimination is reported to be a significant barrier for minority ethnic and minority racial groups when seeking opportunities (particularly for young Black people and People of Colour, and those of which who experience barriers due to additional protected characteristics existing at the intersection of various structures of marginalisation). [33]

Religion and Belief:

There is comparatively less evidence on the impacts of religion and belief on young people's experiences of accessing opportunities. However, evidence from stakeholders indicates that it is important for there to be understanding of and flexibility towards cultural and religious beliefs of young people. It has also been raised that cultural expectations from families and communities could affect young people's involvement in the Guarantee.[34]



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