
Young Person's Guarantee Activity Plan (Phase 1): EQIA and Equality Action Plan

The Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) undertaken for the Young Person's Guarantee Activity Plan has highlighted a number of actions to be undertaken in order to fulfil the Public Sector Equality Duty. These actions have also been developed into an Equality Action Plan (see Annex) .


As demonstrated above, a number of commitments and alignment to existing policies have been made as a result of this EQIA. These have been mapped against the range of activity required to implement the Guarantee set out in the Equality Action Plan, and against each protected characteristic and care experienced young people.

These high-level commitments, principles and linkages have been made to ensure that implementation of the Guarantee can work to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and promote good relations across protected characteristics. This will allow implementation of the Guarantee to work towards supporting every young person in Scotland to reach their potential, and ensure that no one is left behind.



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