
Young Person's Guarantee: interim measures

The interim measures are part of the wider measurement and evaluation framework and specifically aim to monitor the progress the Young Person's Guarantee is making towards achieving the outcomes as set out in the key performance indicators.

The Guarantee's Measurement and Evaluation Framework

The Young Person's Guarantee is a commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people. It aims to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity. This could be a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training programme, formal volunteering or enterprise opportunity.

The Guarantee builds on existing education, learning, employability, training and employment opportunities to tackle the long-term economic and social scarring of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The measurement of the Guarantee is structured around Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Interim Measures and programme data. Each has a specific role to play in understanding the Guarantee.

We have developed an evaluation plan to sit alongside the measurement framework, which will help us understand the experiences of young people and employers who are accessing the Guarantee. This will include targeted work to understand the differential experiences of young people using employability services.

The purpose of this paper is to outline the chosen Interim Measures which will measure the Guarantee's progress towards the previously published KPIs. The paper will also highlight further 'breakdown measures' that will be reported alongside the KPIs.

The Guarantee's Measurement Framework

Key Performance Indictors:

  • The Guarantee will be measured against 6 KPIs, including an overarching indicator.
  • The KPIs capture the high-level outcomes the Guarantee is looking to influence and are set across five themes: Participation in Employment, Education and Training; Skills Alignment; Employer Engagement; Equalities; and Fair Work.
  • These will remain for the duration of the Guarantee and will be influenced by other programmes and external factors.
  • They will be supplemented by measures which will capture equalities and other breakdowns of these high level KPIs where possible.
  • Further details on the KPIs can be found in: Young Person's Guarantee: Key Performance Indicators.

Interim Measures:

  • Interim Measures will look to highlight and monitor the progress that we are making towards the outcomes.
  • These Interim Measures will highlight primarily quantitative information but will look to draw on qualitative information where possible.
  • Unlike the KPIs, the Interim Measures are not static and can be amended as more data becomes available.

Programme Data:

  • We will gather management information to monitor how the individual elements of the Guarantee are being delivered; in particular, the input/output characteristics of participants.
  • The number of opportunities created and the number of young people supported will be gathered through the programme data.
  • We will ensure consistent measures across all streams of the Guarantee and align to the Employability Shared Measurement Framework where possible.



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