
Young Person's Guarantee: interim measures

The interim measures are part of the wider measurement and evaluation framework and specifically aim to monitor the progress the Young Person's Guarantee is making towards achieving the outcomes as set out in the key performance indicators.

Interim Measures

The Interim Measures look to highlight and monitor the progress the Guarantee is making towards the KPIs. They will largely draw on programme level data in order to see how the actual provision of the Guarantee is contributing to the KPIs, helping to shape future policy development and service delivery. However, some published data sources will also be used, in particular in relation to Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Employer Engagement and School Coordinator work streams, where measures align closely with previously developed DYW KPIs and interim measures (see Annex A for list of data sources).

The types of data we intend to monitor through the Interim Measures varies across the different areas of the Guarantee. For example, while we may be able to include an 'outcomes' measure for one of the programme areas, this may not be available for another. Similarly, equalities data may not be consistently available across the different areas of the programme. These differences in data are due to a number of factors, such as small variations in data collections across the programmes, or that programmes have started at different times and so not all data will available immediately.

Furthermore, care is taken to ensure individuals cannot be identified from reporting the Interim Measures. To ensure confidentiality, disclosure control policies are applied to the data. The details for the disclosure control policies for each area is available in the footnotes of the tables.

However, Interim Measures can change as the Guarantee develops. More data may become available at a later date to, for example, allow for further equality breakdowns or to understand outcomes better. We will look to improve these measures, where appropriate and based on the data available and user/stakeholder engagement on how the data is being used.

The following sections will present the Interim Measures developed based on type of intervention under the Guarantee. Each measure is also aligned with a specific KPI it contributes to.



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