
Young Person's Guarantee: interim measures

The interim measures are part of the wider measurement and evaluation framework and specifically aim to monitor the progress the Young Person's Guarantee is making towards achieving the outcomes as set out in the key performance indicators.

Employability Services

The Guarantee funded Local Authorities and selected Third Sector organisations to support those furthest from the labour market into positive destinations. This activity contributes to two KPIs:

KPIs – Employability Services

KPI 3: Increase the employment rate for young people aged 16 to 24 with disabilities

KPI 5: Improve Scotland's performance compared to EU countries in the participation of young people aged 16 to 24 in education, training and employment

Local Authorities

This funding aligned to the No One Left Behind (NOLB) reforms. It furnished Local Employability Partnerships with additional resource to provide enhanced opportunities for young people (aged 16 to 24). The progress of the Guarantee's funded activity will be monitored by three interim indicators.

Interim Measures – NOLB Employability support

KPI alignment

Interim Measure 1: Number of young people aged 16 to 24 supported by the NOLB approach, with equality breakdowns*



Interim Measure 2: Number of young people aged 16 to 24 supported by the NOLB approach who have (with equality breakdowns)*

  • gained a qualification
  • started work experience or
  • are supported by training allowance or ERIs (combined count)



Interim Measure 3:A proportion of those aged 16 to 24 supported by the NOLB programme in an initial positive destination with equality breakdowns*



* For equality breakdowns, disclosure controls will prevent the reporting of very small numbers, i.e. to reduce the risk of individual participants being identified (disclosure), numbers lower than 5 will be omitted. Secondary disclosure will also be applied where necessary to ensure potentially disclosive data can't be calculated. Equality breakdowns will be reported as proportions, where disclosure control allows.

Third Sector

The Guarantee funded 'Inspiring Scotland' and 'the Young Person's Consortium' to deliver the 'Our Future Now' and 'Discovering Your Potential' programmes. These programmes support young people with additional barriers, including those with care experience, with support including careers advice, financial and welfare assistance, job search and interview skills to find jobs. 'Volunteering Matters' was also funded to support young people to gain work-based skills through formal volunteering opportunities.

The progress of these Third Sector activities will be monitored by four Interim Measures:

Interim Measures – Third Sector and Volunteering

KPI alignment

Interim Measure 4: Number of young people supported by YPG funded Third Sector Employability programmes, with equality breakdowns*



Interim Measure 5:Outcomes1 for young people who have been supported by YPG funded Third Sector Employability programmes


Interim Measure 6:Number of young people supported by the Volunteering Matters programme2


Interim Measure 7: Number of young people supported by the Volunteering Matters programme achieving a positive outcome, broken down by type of outcome


* Due to changes in how data is reported by the Third Sector organisations, equalities data will only be available from year 2 onward. For equality breakdowns, disclosure controls will prevent the reporting of very small numbers, i.e. to reduce the risk of individual participants being identified (disclosure), numbers lower than 5 will be omitted. Secondary disclosure will also be applied where necessary to ensure potentially disclosive data can't be calculated. Equality breakdowns will be reported as proportions, where disclosure control allows.

1 Outcomes refer to those supported into employment, education, training, apprenticeships or formal volunteering. The disclosure control policy outlined in * above will also apply here.

2 Formal Volunteering is defined as: 'Undertaking voluntary work/volunteering: this will involve a person giving of his/her time and energy through a third party. It will benefit both the person and others, including individuals, groups and organisations, communities, the environment and society at large. Some volunteering may include a financial allowance.'



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