
Young Person's Guarantee: interim measures

The interim measures are part of the wider measurement and evaluation framework and specifically aim to monitor the progress the Young Person's Guarantee is making towards achieving the outcomes as set out in the key performance indicators.

Education Interventions

The Guarantee funds activity in schools, colleges and universities. This contributes to three KPIs:

KPIs – Education Interventions

KPI 1: Increase the proportion of 18 to 24 year olds with qualifications at SCQF level 5 and above

KPI 3: Increase the employment rate for young people aged 16 to 24 with disabilities

KPI 5: Improve Scotland's performance compared to EU countries in the participation of young people aged 16 to 24 in education, training and employment


To promote work-based learning and to ensure targeted support for those furthest from the labour market, the Guarantee funded DYW School Coordinators in mainstream secondary schools. Activities will be monitored by two Interim Measures:

Interim Measures – Schools

KPI alignment

Interim Measure 11: Proportion of school leavers with vocational qualifications above SCQF level 5.


Interim Measure 12: Proportion of school leavers in a positive destination (broken down by SIMD, Additional Support Needs1 and Care Experience – i.e. Looked After Children status).



1 ASN is recorded where a pupil is receiving any form of additional support for learning. This could be for a wide variety of reasons, of different durations and of any type. The different types of support provided include Co-ordinated Support Plans (CSP) and Individualised Educational Programmes (IEP) as well as disabilities, Child's Plans and other plans. Under previous legislation a pupil may have been categorised as having a Record of Need (RoN).


To meet the needs of students, employers and the economy the Guarantee funded colleges to deliver shorter industry focussed opportunities for young people, including skills boost and fast track courses. The progress of these activities will be monitored by two Interim Measures:

Interim Measures – Colleges

KPI alignment

Interim Measure 13: Proportion of participants successfully completing their YPG funded college course, with equality breakdowns*.



Interim Measure 14: Proportion of enrolments to YPG funded college courses at SCQF level 5 & above


* For equality breakdowns, disclosure controls will prevent the reporting of very small numbers, i.e. to reduce the risk of individual participants being identified (disclosure), numbers lower than 5 will be omitted. Secondary disclosure will also be applied where necessary to ensure potentially disclosive data can't be calculated. Equality breakdowns will be reported as proportions, where disclosure control allows.


The Guarantee funded a graduate programme with a target of supporting 500 recent graduates, including 350 paid, good quality, graduate level internships. These opportunities will help career development and advance equity of opportunity for young people.

Interim Measures – University

KPI alignment

Interim Measure 15: Number of young people participating in the YPG funded Graduate Internships programme with equalities breakdowns*



Interim Measure 16:Number of YPG funded internships provided by occupational sector



* For equality breakdowns, disclosure controls will prevent the reporting of very small numbers, i.e. to reduce the risk of individual participants being identified (disclosure), HESA Standard Rounding Methodology will be used: counts of people are rounded to the nearest multiple of 5, percentages are not published if they are fractions of a small group of people (fewer than 22.5), averages are not published if they are averages of a small group of people (7 or fewer). More information on HESA rounding and suppression rules can be found by clicking this link. Equality breakdowns will be reported as proportions, where disclosure control allows.



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