
Young Person's Guarantee: interim measures

The interim measures are part of the wider measurement and evaluation framework and specifically aim to monitor the progress the Young Person's Guarantee is making towards achieving the outcomes as set out in the key performance indicators.

Annex A Data Sources for Interim Measures

Interim Measures

Data source

Interim Measure 1: Number of young people aged 16 to 24 supported by the NOLB approach, with equality breakdowns

Programme Data

Interim Measure 2: Number of young people aged 16 to 24 supported by the NOLB approach who have (with equality breakdowns)

  • gained a qualification
  • started work experience or
  • are supported by training allowance or ERIs (combined count)

Programme Data

Interim Measure 3:A proportion of those aged 16 to 24 supported by the NOLB programme in an initial positive destination with equality breakdowns

Programme data

Interim Measure 4: Number of young people supported by YPG funded Third Sector Employability programmes, with equality breakdowns

Programme data

Interim Measure 5:Outcomes for young people who have been supported by YPG funded Third Sector Employability programmes

Programme data

Interim Measure 6:Number of young people supported by the Volunteering Matters programme

Programme data

Interim Measure 7: Number of young people supported by the Volunteering Matters programme achieving a positive outcome, broken down by type of outcome

Programme data

Interim Measure 8: Proportion of employers offering work experience and work inspiration activities, with breakdown by employer size

Link to Scottish Employer Perspective Survey 2021

Interim Measure 9: Proportion of employers offering apprenticeships, with breakdown by employer size

Link to Scottish Employer Perspective Survey 2021

Interim Measure 10: Proportion of 16 to 24 year olds employed in the devolved public sector.

Link to Public sector employment in Scotland: statistics for first quarter 2022 data

Interim Measure 11: Proportion of school leavers with vocational qualifications above SCQF level 5.

School leaver initial destinations


Interim Measure 12: Proportion of school leavers in a positive destination (broken down by SIMD, Additional Support Needs and Care Experience – i.e. Looked After Children status).

SIMD and ASN: School leaver data Initial Leavers Destinations and follow-up Statistics

Link to Care Experience publication on Looked After Children

Interim Measure 13: Proportion of participants successfully completing their YPG funded college course, with equality breakdowns

Programme data

Interim Measure 14: Proportion of enrolments to YPG funded college courses at SCQF level 5 & above

Programme data

Interim Measure 15: Number of young people participating in the YPG funded Graduate Internships programme with equalities breakdowns

Programme data

Interim Measure 16:Number of YPG funded internships provided by occupational sector

Programme data



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