
Young Person's Guarantee – Phase 1: activity plan

This Young Person's Guarantee activity plan will be updated at regular points to account for progress made and future activity to be prioritised as part of the Guarantee.

2. Education Alignment with Skills, and Apprenticeships


Delivery Partner(s)

Other Key Stakeholders / Sectors

Key Responsibilities

Key Outcomes

2.1 Education Alignment



Local government

Colleges Scotland

Education Scotland

Equality groups

Young people


Work with partners to align education with future skills needs and strategic economic policy priorities.

Opportunities which are being supported and created align with future jobs and strategic economic policy priorities - including health and social care, the climate emergency and digital advancement.

These opportunities will advance equity of opportunity to young people (particularly young intersectional people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, and minority groups).

2.2 Apprenticeships




Equality groups

Young people

DYW Groups

Develop proposals to support more young people (particularly intersectional young people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, and minority groups), into apprenticeships, particularly in the public sector.

The number of young people participating and being retained in apprenticeships will be measured.

Support implementation of the Equalities Action Plan:

  • Increase the employment rate for young disabled people to the population average by 2021
  • Reduce to 60% the percentage of MA frameworks where the gender balance is 75:25 or worse by 2021
  • Increase the number of MA starts of Black people and people of colour to equal the population share by 2021
  • Improve the number of care leavers who successfully take up MAs

2.3 Provision in Colleges


Colleges Scotland


Equality groups

Young people

Develop proposals to create more opportunities in colleges for shorter, work-based programmes which align with the future needs of the economy.

An increased number of opportunities created in colleges will be measured by SFC.

These opportunities will advance equity of opportunity to young people (particularly young intersectional people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, and minority groups).

2.4 College Leavers


Colleges Scotland


Local government

Third sector

Equality groups

Young people

Develop proposals to create opportunities for young people leaving college.

This will involve working with employers and others to develop more internships which align to the future needs of the economy.

Employers will be supported to create more opportunities for college leavers, including internships. This will be measured with an understanding provided on the nature of the avaliable opportunites.

These opportunities will advance equity of opportunity to young people (particularly young intersectional people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, and minority groups).

2.5 Provision in Universities

Universities Scotland


Young people

Develop proposals to create more provision in universities for young people, aligned to future needs of the economy and targeted at young people who are under represented in higher education.

Consider the delivery of increased provision at universities at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

2.6 Graduate Opportunities and Apprenticeships

Universities Scotland


Local government

Third sector

Equality groups

Young people

Develop proposals to create more opportunities for university graduates. This will involve working with employers and others to develop more graduate internships which align to the future needs of the economy.

Work with employers to create more internship opportunities for university graduates. This will be measured with an understanding provided on the nature of the avaliable opportunites.

These opportunities will advance equity of opportunity to young people (particularly young intersectional people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, and minority groups).



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