
Young Person's Guarantee – Phase 1: activity plan

This Young Person's Guarantee activity plan will be updated at regular points to account for progress made and future activity to be prioritised as part of the Guarantee.

3. Governance and Equalities


Delivery Partner(s)

Other Key Stakeholders / Sectors

Key Responsibilities

Key Outcomes

3.1 Governance


Young people

DYW Programme

Young people

Ensure that delivery of the Guarantee makes use of existing infrastructure and supports effective analysis related to the Guarantee.

Young people should be a part of these governance arrangements at a local and national level (including young intersectional people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, minority groups, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds).

National, regional and local governance arrangements will deliver on the ambition of the Guarantee through repurposing and aligning existing arrangements. This will support the transition to simpler and more streamlined governance arrangments.

3.2 Analysis


Third sector

Local government


Colleges Scotland


Equality groups

Young people

Develop a measurement and evaluation framework to support delivery and measure progress of the Guarantee with support from SDS, local government, Colleges Scotland and SFC.

The measurement and evaluation framework will allow local partners to measure progress and target support (particularly to young intersectional people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, and minority groups).

This will likely include a local labour market dashboard and participation measure. We will also measure how each funding stream is working and the cumultive impact of the additional investment

3.3 Equalities and Human Rights


Equality Groups (currenly including Intercultural Youth Scotland, Close the Gap and Glasgow Disability Alliance)

All Guarantee delivery partners

Young people

N.B. This is a 'horizontal' workstream which will influence on every other proposed activity.

Support development and scrutiny of impact assessments, and ensure other activity embeds an equalities and human rights approach.

Support delivery partners and stakeholders to access equalities training (such as anti-racist employability training, disability training, gender competence training).

Develop clear evidence to show how the Guarantee is supporting advancing equity of opportunity and inclusion (particularly for young intersectional people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, minority groups, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds).

Ensure that impact assessments allow for robust data collection in order to shape delivery of the Guarantee.



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