
Young Person's Guarantee – Phase 1: activity plan

This Young Person's Guarantee activity plan will be updated at regular points to account for progress made and future activity to be prioritised as part of the Guarantee.

4. Formal Volunteering and Supporting Those Who Need It Most


Delivery Partner(s)

Other Key Stakeholders / Sectors

Key Responsibilities

Key Outcomes

4.1 Formal Volunteering

Project Scotland

Third Sector (partcularly SCVO,



Young people

Increase formal volunteering opportunities for young people, in alignment with the Scottish Government's response to the Youth Volunteering Innovation Project report.

The number of formal volunteering opportunities for young people will be increased, with a focus on advancing the equity of opportunity of young people (particularly young intersectional people, young Black people, young people of colour, young disabled people, young women, and minority groups).

4.2 Supporting Those Who Need it Most


Local government

Third sector

Equality groups

Young people


DYW Groups


In partnership, support young people furthest away from the labour market into opportunities. This will include opportunties in the training and employability sector. It should be recognised that those who require support exist across different qualification levels.

Engage with local partners, including the third sector and local government - in keeping with the principles of No One Left Behind - to support pathways into apprenticeships and employment.

Evidence of increased support for those who are furthest away from the labour market, with clear understanding of the numbers supported and the types of interventions.

Employers will be engaged and supported to achieve this.



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