
Young Person's Guarantee: update report March 2023

The report highlights progress over the 2 years of the Young Person’s Guarantee and also sets out the direction of travel going forward.


Against a backdrop of sustained financial pressure it is more important than ever that we drive a whole system approach to support those with the greatest barriers into positive destinations. By getting more young people into good jobs we can help to widen the tax base. This will also remove the cost of increased benefits and reduce other costs across a number of areas, including health and justice.

By refocussing Young Person's Guarantee activity on support for those young people who need it most, we are not only providing an opportunity now but also impacting on their future and in turn reducing the risk of future generations of children living in poverty.

There is of course significant funding allocated and considerable effort to support our young people but we can all do more to bring those offers together. The challenge for all of us, including employers, local authorities and schools is to ensure that no young people are left behind and they have the opportunity to access the right support at the earliest possible stage.

This approach is the core of the original concept behind the Young Person's Guarantee of using the existing funding to create a clearer path to empower young people to make informed decisions about their future.

The Young Person's Guarantee can only be fully delivered by continuing at pace with the alignment of existing offers and reform that has young people at the centre of the system. Young people are the future of Scotland and our most important asset – it is the responsibility of us all to ensure they are given every opportunity to fulfil their potential.

Developing the Young Workforce Case Study - Bon Accord Care

Bon Accord Care specialises in the provision of adult social care. We support thousands of people across Aberdeen city; helping them to live safely in their own homes and local communities, maximising their independence and quality of living.

Young people are crucial to the long-term sustainability and growth of our organisation. We provide apprenticeships on a 'recruit to retain' basis and invest heavily in ongoing training and development of our young workforce (including peer-to-peer support). We want to prepare young people for permanent, long-term roles within our organisation.

Bon Accord Care are delivering 25 Foundation Apprenticeships to young people across Aberdeen City during 22-23. We also recruit around 12 young people annually through Modern Apprenticeships and offer Graduate Apprenticeships. We offer around 10 volunteering opportunities per year to young people who are care experienced, young carers, or who have experienced significant life challenges.

It was important for us to sign up to the Young Person's Guarantee as we recognised that we were offering multiple opportunities for young people. The Young Person's Guarantee can also raise your profile as an employer and provides access to valuable partner support. We have worked closely with DYW North East and made really good connections with the school coordinators.

"The Graduate Apprenticeship course has given me a fantastic opportunity to use my studies to support my professional development. I have had great support from my mentor, managers and teams across the organisation who have supported me with my studies. I am about to finish my second year and the knowledge and skills I have gained have been invaluable. I have gained so much knowledge on the company and the sector which I knew little about before starting the course. The course has given me the opportunity to work with other teams across the organisation to find out more about what they do which has been great for my career development." Lauren McNeil, Logistics Planner & Graduate Apprentice, Bon Accord Care



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