
Youth Employment Scotland Fund (YESF): evaluation report

Evaluation report of the Youth Employment Scotland Fund (YESF) to assess its impact on young people and employers.

Editor's Note

Youth Employment Scotland Fund

The Youth Employment Scotland Fund ( YESF), introduced in April 2013, moved forward the Scottish Government's commitment to help unemployed 16-29 year olds into work. YESF was established to create up to 10,000 job opportunities for young people. The programme was available for jobs starts from 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2015.

The programme, which was delivered by Local Authorities, provided financial support to employers for at least 26 weeks which covered a minimum of half the salary costs at the National Minimum Wage.

Initially the programme was jointly funded by Scottish Government and the European Social Fund. However in Spring 2016 the Scottish Government replaced the European Social Fund element with Scottish Government funding.

This evaluation report was completed prior to the decision to replace the European Social Fund element of the funding. Where it is noted that funding was provided by the European Social Fund this has now been replaced by Scottish Government funding.

The report was prepared by ekosgen who conducted the underlying research on behalf of the Scottish Government.


Email: Sharon Hamilton,

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