
Youth justice strategy: progress report

Report on the progress made since the publication of the youth justice strategy, 'Preventing offending: getting it right for children and young people', in 2015.

Implementation: a collaborative approach

As part of the development of the youth justice strategy, arrangements to support youth justice at a national level were reviewed. Collaboration and partnership working has been a crucial element of success in preventing offending, in particular through the WSA, and remains integral to strategy implementation.

The YJIB was established in 2015 to drive a culture of improvement in youth justice and make a sustained impact on priority areas.

Under the YJIB there are three implementation groups, meeting quarterly in advance of each Board session. Each group's focus is based on a priority theme in the strategy.

Implementation groups

Advancing the Whole System Approach - priorities include:

  • ensuring that youth justice is integrated into children service's planning and wider community planning
  • improving practice aligned with the implementation of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
  • timely and effective interventions to minimise the number of children in the Criminal Justice System
  • assessing and managing risk and complexity for those young people posing the greatest risk

Improving Life Chances - priorities include:

  • supporting work on school inclusion
  • strengthening positive relationships
  • promoting victims and community confidence
  • improving health and wellbeing
  • promoting opportunities for all
  • transitions, including supporting young people from custody and secure

Developing Capacity and Improvement - priorities include:

  • supporting workforce development
  • development of a youth justice framework and outcome measurement tools
  • improving systems

The priorities align with work being taken forward by the Children's Hearings Improvement Partnership ( CHIP). Areas of cross over and synergy are being developed jointly in order to ensure connectivity across the responsibilities of the two groups.

A thematic approach to implementation

A thematic approach to implementation


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