
Zambia Development Programme 2017-2022: grant awards

International development grants awarded to deliver projects in Central Province, Zambia.

A total of £6,289,536 was awarded under our Zambia Development Programme between 2017 and 2022 to the six projects listed below.

Please note that our current Zambia Development Programme will come to an end on 31 March 2024, following an extension of funding to relevant projects to 2023 to 2024. Some individual projects within the current Programme have already been completed or closed. Current status (in financial year 2023 to 2024) of each project is given below.

Project ZAM1

Organisation: CBM

Theme: Health

Project title: PrevENT: Community ear and hearing care and rehabilitation of disabling hearing loss

Total award: £1,251,578 (2017 to 2022)

Project summary: This project will improve the quality of life of people living with, or at risk of, disabling hearing impairment in the Central Province of Zambia by establishing services for Primary Ear and Hearing Care as well as general ENT as a core part of community public health care services.

Current status:

Completed at 31 March 2022.



Project ZAM2

Organisation: Open University

Theme: Education

Project title: Zambian Education School-based Training (ZEST)

Total award: £1,284,524 (2017 to 2022)

Project summary: The project will improve the quality of primary school teaching and learning in Central Province by operationalising the Ministry of General Education's teacher development strategy through a School Based Teacher Development Programme which supports teachers in developing active teaching approaches and finding solutions to the very practical issues they face in the classroom, accessed through locally appropriate technologies including teachers' own mobile devices.

Current status: 

Live - extension funding during 2022 to 2023 (£256,603) and 2023 to 2024 (£269,489), will close on 31 March 2024.



Project ZAM3

Organisation: SCIAF

Theme: Sustainable Economic Development and Agriculture
Project title: Empowering resource-poor rural communities in Central Province, Zambia by strengthening income security, fostering well-being of women and promoting renewable energy use.

Total award: £1,350,000 (2017 to 2022)

Project summary: Enable 1,050 resource-poor rural farming households in Kabwe (Central Province, Zambia) to increase their household income through the adoption of sustainable organic agriculture to increase yields, and value addition by e.g. processing peanuts into groundnut oil or peanut butter; the project also seeks to foster well-being of women, reduce child marriage and pilot bio-gas energy for cooking and lighting.

Current status:

Live - extension funding during 2022 to 2023 (£146,463) and 2023 to 24 (£300,000), will close on 31 March 2024.



Project ZAM4

Organisation: Christian Aid

Theme: Sustainable Economic Development and Agriculture

Project title: Making Agriculture a Business: Harnessing the potential of Small Scale Farmers/ Entrepreneurs as Champions of Economic Development.

Total award: £1,309,537 (2017 to 2022)

Project summary: This project is aimed at 'Making Agriculture a Business': through harnessing the potential of small-scale farmers/ entrepreneurs as champions of economic development mainly in the four districts in Central Province, Zambia. It aims to impact the livelihoods and resilience of farmers/entrepreneurs especially women, with a focus on including the most marginalised who are young women, and persons with disabilities. These groups range from local community focused groups to business and market trader groups based around neighbouring bulking centres and markets. Links will specifically be made to the John Chinena Market/ Jubilee Women's Integrated Highway Market's Programme in Chibombo.

Current status:

Completed at 31 March 2022.



Project ZAM5

Organisation: Gaia Education

Theme: Sustainable Economic Development

Project title: Zambian Youth for Conservation, Agriculture and Livelihood Action! (ZYCALA)

Total award: £363,736 (2017 to 2020)

Project summary: Building the capacity of Zambian Youth to lead 3 Central Province districts to more sustainable food and livelihood security and conservation action.

Current status:

Completed at 31 March 2022.



Project ZAM6

Organisation: The Big First Aid Project Scotland

Theme: Health

Project title: First Aid and Renewable Energy Solutions For Communities In Zambia's Central Province

Total award: £730,161 (2017 to 2022)

Project summary: Using ground-breaking technology to increase Zambia's ability to respond to emergencies, while training the next generation of Zambian life savers. Communities in the surrounding area will have access to evidence-based first aid resources & training. Stakeholders in the area will have access to a mobile solar system, which can be quickly deployed to help provide electricity during large scale emergencies. The Kapila Health Centre will get access to solar power, and reduce their reliance on diesel to power generators. We will build the capacity of Biolife Energy Zambia and The Big First Aid Project Scotland to ensure the sustainability of this and future projects in the region.

Current status:

Completed at 31 March 2022.




Email: Central Enquiries Unit

Telephone: Tom Chrystal, 0131 244 992

Post: International Development Team
Scottish Government
2H North
Victoria Quay

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