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6 results for `accessing gender identity healthcare in Scotland`

  1. Cass Review and NHS Scotland Next Steps

    A report prepared in response to Scottish Parliament motion S6M-13090, summarising progress to date on work to improve NHS young people’s gender identity services and reduce waiting times to access this healthcare.

    Part of:
    Specialist Gender Services for Children and Young People – Progress Report
  2. Conclusion

    A strategic action framework for the improvement of NHS gender identity services from 2022 until 2024.

    Part of:
    NHS gender identity services: strategic action framework 2022-2024
  3. Current Context

    The Chief Medical Officer established a multidisciplinary clinical team to consider, in the context of Scottish services, the recommendations of the NHS England commissioned Cass Review on gender identity services for young people. That work is now

    Part of:
    Cass Review – Implications for Scotland
  4. Section 6 - 2. Healthcare

    The actions we will take to improve equality and bring about real, positive and lasting change to the lives of non-binary people in Scotland

    Part of:
    Non-Binary Equality Action Plan
  5. Cass Review Recommendations

    The Chief Medical Officer established a multidisciplinary clinical team to consider, in the context of Scottish services, the recommendations of the NHS England commissioned Cass Review on gender identity services for young people. That work is now

    Part of:
    Cass Review – Implications for Scotland
  6. Healthcare

    The Working Group on Non-Binary Equality was formed by the Scottish Government to consider ways to improve the lives of non-binary people. This report is the result of their work, including 35 detailed recommendations covering practical ways to make

    Part of:
    Non-Binary Equality Working Group: report and recommendations - March 2022
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