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9 results for `aim of this Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment`

  1. Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA)

    Investing in Planning – a consultation on resourcing Scotland’s planning system responds to current resourcing challenges. It builds on ideas generated in a stakeholder workshop held in November, and sets out a series of proposals which aim to

    Part of:
    Investing in Planning – A consultation on resourcing Scotland's planning system Impact Assessments
  2. Footnotes

    The aim of this child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) is to identify, research, analyse and record the anticipated impact of the Social Security Administration and Tribunal Membership (Scotland) Bill on children’s human rights and

    Part of:
    Social Security Administration and Tribunals (Scotland) Bill 2020: CRWIA
  3. Regulations making provision in relation to social security appeals: CRWIA

    Children's Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) examining the potential impact on children and young people of the provision in relation to social security appeals.

  4. Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill: children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Children's Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) in relation to the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill introduced to Parliament on 23 May 2018.

  5. Social Security Administration and Tribunals (Scotland) Bill 2020: CRWIA

    The aim of this child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) is to identify, research, analyse and record the anticipated impact of the Social Security Administration and Tribunal Membership (Scotland) Bill on children’s human rights and

  6. Carers (Scotland) Act 2016: children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    Updated children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) conducted for the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016.

  7. Children (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    This report evidences the consideration that has been given to the impact the Children (Scotland) Bill will have on children and young people.

  8. Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill: children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment

    A children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment for the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill.

  9. Supporting documents

    The aim of this child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) is to identify, research, analyse and record the anticipated impact of the Social Security Administration and Tribunal Membership (Scotland) Bill on children’s human rights and

    Part of:
    Social Security Administration and Tribunals (Scotland) Bill 2020: CRWIA
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