Search Results
21 results for `risks of environmental pollution`
Agriculture and the environment - PEPFAA Code
Practical guidance is available for farmers, to help minimise the risk of causing environmental pollution through farming activities.
- Part of:
- Agriculture and the environment
Annex A UNCRC requirements as defined by the UNCRC Act
Guidance providing accessible information which supports public authorities to understand and fulfil their duties under section 6 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Act, and to secure better or further effect of
Annex D
The guidance is intended to provide accessible information which supports public authorities to understand and fulfil their duties under section 6, and to secure better or further effect of children’s rights.
5. Interpretation and application of the principles
This guidance provides information on how officials across government should apply the environmental principles when developing policy.
Onshore conventional oil and gas: call for evidence
An opportunity to contribute views and evidence on the development of onshore conventional oil and gas policy in Scotland in order to ensure that we deliver a robust, fully-evidenced policy position in line with energy needs, statutory requirements,
3. Assessing for compatibility against the UNCRC requirements (Guidance Section 2.2)
Assessing the anticipated impact of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Delivery Plan and Workforce Action Plan on children's human rights and wellbeing.
Code of good practice, giving practical advice to farmers and others on minimising pollution.
Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for School Age Childcare Programme
Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for the school age childcare (SACC) programme.
Analysis of the evidence
Stage 2 child rights and welfare impact assessment screening for the creation of a Scottish Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme.
5. Interpretation and application of the principles
Draft statutory guidance on the guiding principles on the environment and the duties set out in Part 2 of the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021.
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