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Showing 101 to 110 of 2,719 results for pollution
Protecting the environment after Brexit
Consultation gives support to Scottish Government proposals.
Comparison to Previous Years
The Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet brings together evidence on flows of nitrogen in Scotland from across the whole economy to understand and keep track of the use of nitrogen.
Farming for the environment
Almost £60 million for land management.
Annex A UNCRC requirements as defined by the UNCRC Act
Guidance providing accessible information which supports public authorities to understand and fulfil their duties under section 6 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Act, and to secure better or further effect of
5. Interpretation and application of the principles
This guidance provides information on how officials across government should apply the environmental principles when developing policy.
Support for wild salmon
Funding to address challenges around salmon stocks.
2.5 Nature Restoration
This report outlines the current position of the Scottish agricultural sector, with evidence aligned to the objectives in our Vision for Agriculture, and provides information on our approach to assessing new policy proposals as they are taken
Environmentally friendly farming
New funding round for Agri-Environmental Climate Scheme announced.
Tackling marine litter
Proposal to ban the manufacture and sale of plastic cotton buds.
New Plastics Economy global commitment
Information about our commitment to a circular economy for plastics.
- Part of:
- Managing waste
There is a problem
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