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Showing 111 to 120 of 157 results for `Gender Identity Services`

  1. 1 Introduction

    MAPPA Guidance issued by Scottish Ministers under section 10(6) of the Management of Offenders etc (Scotland) Act 2005. This guidance has been developed by the Scottish Government in conjunction with the responsible authorities.

    Part of:
    Multi Agency Public Protection (MAPPA) National Guidance 2014
  2. Cass Review and NHS Scotland Next Steps

    A report prepared in response to Scottish Parliament motion S6M-13090, summarising progress to date on work to improve NHS young people’s gender identity services and reduce waiting times to access this healthcare.

    Part of:
    Specialist Gender Services for Children and Young People – Progress Report
  3. 6. Health and Social Care

    This position statement sets out the action we've taken in devolved areas since 2017 to respect, protect, and fulfil the human rights of everyone in Scotland.

    Part of:
    Universal Periodic Review 2022: Scottish Government Position Statement
  4. 4. Considerations when deciding what data to collect

    Guidance for public bodies on the collection of data on sex and gender.

    Part of:
    Sex, gender identity, trans status - data collection and publication: guidance
  5. Public services recovery and reform

    Working together to build a greener, fairer, independent Scotland.

    Part of:
    Scottish Government and Scottish Green Party: draft shared policy programme
  6. The Programme for Government 2022‑23

    The Programme for Government sets out the actions we will take in the coming year and beyond. It includes the legislative programme for this parliamentary year.

    Part of:
    A stronger and more resilient Scotland: the Programme for Government 2022 to 2023
  7. Measures under Criminal Law and Enforcement Mechanisms

    This report is the result of the work of the Expert Advisory group on Ending Conversion Practices and informs the Scottish Government on the measures which should be considered in order to end conversion practices in Scotland which aim to change a

    Part of:
    Expert Advisory Group on Ending Conversion Practices: report and recommendations
  8. Chapter 1: Methodology and Response

    Information on methodology and fieldwork, including details of sampling, weighting, response rates, the survey questionnaire and other fieldwork documents.

    Part of:
    Scottish Health Survey 2018 - volume 2: technical report
  9. Footnotes

    This position statement sets out the action we've taken in devolved areas since 2017 to respect, protect, and fulfil the human rights of everyone in Scotland.

    Part of:
    Universal Periodic Review 2022: Scottish Government Position Statement
  10. Policy, legislation and further information

    Guidance for schools on supporting transgender young people

    Part of:
    Supporting transgender young people in schools: guidance for Scottish schools
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