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Showing 161 to 170 of 222 results for `Scotland's Census 2022`

  1. Census public engagement campaign 2022 – extension activity (April to May 2022): evaluation report

    An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign extension (April to May 2022), including independent evaluation results.

  2. Annex C: Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025: Analysis of Responses to Consultation

    This strategy sets out our approach to improving and strengthening Scotlands equality evidence base over a three year period to the end of 2025.

    Part of:
    Scotland’s Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025
  3. 11. Overview of results

    An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign (February to March 2022), including independent evaluation results.

    Part of:
    Census campaign 2022: evaluation report - phase 1 (February to March 2022)
  4. Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill: fairer Scotland duty summary

    The Fairer Scotland Duty Summary for the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill

  5. References

    This report provides an overview of the literature on minority ethnic people’s employment in the Scottish social housing sector and presents available empirical evidence. The research also identifies gaps in the evidence and suggests areas where

    Part of:
    Minority ethnic employment in the Scottish social housing sector: evidence scoping review
  6. 5. Campaign creative execution

    An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign extension (April to May 2022), including independent evaluation results.

    Part of:
    Census public engagement campaign 2022 – extension activity (April to May 2022): evaluation report
  7. 4. Current Landscape and Future

    This independent report addresses the commitment in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation to "undertake and publish a review of how best to significantly increase the number of social enterprises, employee-owned businesses and

    Part of:
    Developing Scotland's Economy: Increasing The Role Of Inclusive And Democratic Business Models
  8. Stage 2: Data and evidence gathering, involvement and consultation

    The equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill.

    Part of:
    Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment
  9. Draft Improvement Plan

    We are consulting on a draft plan to improve and strengthen Scotlands equality evidence base. The responses we receive through this consultation will help to shape this plan, which will form the basis of Scotlands new Equality Evidence Strategy

    Part of:
    Equality evidence strategy 2023 to 2025: consultation paper
  10. Equality Data Improvement Programme project board - highlight report: October 2024

    Paper from the meeting of the group on 15 October 2024.

    Part of:
    Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) project board
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