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Showing 1,981 to 1,990 of 2,071 results for `Census data`
Appendix A: Interim Equality Impact Assessment
Impact assessment for the consultation paper on Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessments, which discusses proposed provisions and seeks views on both sets of draft regulations.
Chapter 4 Conclusions
Scottish Longitudinal NEET Study
1. Section One - views on how the Inquiry could operate
This report sets out findings from public engagement that took place between 24 August and the end of September 2021. This engagement focused on draft aims and principles for a Scottish COVID-19 public inquiry. Feedback, as synthesised in this report
Life chances for young people in Scotland
Evidence review commissioned by the First Minister's Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality.
Annex E Proxy Comparisons Between the New Classification and 2001 Census Classification
Scotland's New Ethnicity Classification for Scottish Official Statistics and Recommended for Scotland's 2011 Census
This report presents findings from analysis of the 2011 Census on characteristics and experiences of recent and established migrants from EEA and non-EEA countries living in Scotland.
4 SPA accounts
The project has collated existing data on SPA populations breeding around the Scottish coast. The project utilised data from JNCC, SNH, RSPB and other sources. The purpose of the project was to provide a collated source of information for renewable
Executive Summary
Case studies examining farm workers in Scottish agriculture and the international seasonal migrant labour market.
Annex A: NHS Scotland facilities containing wards covered by the Census
Results of the fourth Mental Health & Learning Disability Inpatient Census and Out of Scotland NHS Placements Census, 2018.
2. Survey Answer Analysis
Testing actions for sustainable farming phase 1 survey was to understand the current state of the uptake of sustainable farming practices and motivations/barriers for farmers and crofters to inform phase 2 of the National Test Programme.
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