Search Results
Showing 11 to 20 of 32 results for `air pollution in countries`
A plan setting out timelines, milestones and responsible organisations for delivering the actions in Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: towards a better place for everyone.
This review explores the existing evidence on the health effects associated with low-level pollution in countries that have levels of ambient air pollution similar to Scotland.
Priority 1: Health
A plan setting out timelines, milestones and responsible organisations for delivering the actions in Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: towards a better place for everyone.
Annex A: completed actions
The Scottish Government’s Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 strategy (CAFS2) sets out the policy framework for air quality in Scotland to 2026 and includes a comprehensive list of actions across ten policy areas. This third annual report summarises
Summary of progress with Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 actions
Second annual report summarising progress on delivering actions since the Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 strategy was published in July 2021.
Annex C: milestones for longer and medium term actions
Second annual report summarising progress on delivering actions since the Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 strategy was published in July 2021.
4 Discussion
This review explores the existing evidence on the health effects associated with low-level pollution in countries that have levels of ambient air pollution similar to Scotland.
Stage 2: Data and Evidence Gathering
Equalities Impact Assessment (EQIA) for the draft new air quality strategy for Scotland.
5. Health and Environment
Conclusions and recommendations from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.
2. Summary of Recommendations
Conclusions and recommendations from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.
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