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Showing 11 to 20 of 21 results for `reduce plastic pollution`
3. Strategic Direction 1
Analysis report of responses to the consultation on a refreshed Marine Litter Strategy for Scotland.
4 Environmental baseline
The consultation on this SEA is now open, along with the accompanying BRIA. The consultation on the proposed ban can be read at and responses should be submitted via the online
3. The Approach to the Assessment
Environmental report for a consultation on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the supply of seven single-use plastic items and all oxo-degradable products, in Scotland, with the intended effect of reducing the volume and impact of
Reducing the risk of plastic pellet loss, particularly during transfer along the supply chain.
Annex A: Auditing assessment
Reducing the risk of plastic pellet loss, particularly during transfer along the supply chain.
3 Next steps
Reducing the risk of plastic pellet loss, particularly during transfer along the supply chain.
Wet wipes containing plastic - proposed ban: partial BRIA
Consultation on partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the proposed ban on the manufacture, supply and sale of wet wipes containing plastic.
2. How environmental considerations have been integrated into the market restrictions on problematic single-use plastic items
A report on how we have taken environmental considerations, the Environmental Report and consultation findings into account when finalising the The Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Scotland) Regulations 2021.
Package 1: Promote responsible consumption, production and re-use
Through this consultation we set out our proposals for a Route Map to 2025, our strategic plan to deliver Scotland’s zero waste and circular economy ambitions. This consultation invites views on the proposed priorities and actions to reach our
2 The proposed system
Reducing the risk of plastic pellet loss, particularly during transfer along the supply chain.
There is a problem
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