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Showing 11 to 20 of 21 results for `regulated under the Pollution Prevention and Control`
3 Part B
Statutory guidance to support local authorities to discharge their duties in relation to review, and possible designation, of Heat Network Zones. The guidance should be read alongside the Heat Network Zones and Building Assessment Reports (Scotland)
- Part of:
- Heat Network Zone (HNZ) guidance
8. Assessing environmental impacts
Appraisal guidance for the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and responsible authorities.
Report examining current practice regarding the cremation of infants and making recommendations for improvement for the future.
Special Sites
This document promulgates revised statutory guidance for the operation of the contaminated land regime following implementation of the Contaminated Land (Scotland) Regulations 2005. It replaces the earlier 2000 version.
7. Tackling Non-Transport Emissions Sources
A new air quality strategy to replace Cleaner Air for Scotland - The Road to a Healthier Future, setting out the Scottish Government's air quality policy framework for the next five years and a series of actions to deliver further air quality
7. Tackling Non Transport Emissions Sources
Consultation on a draft new air quality strategy for Scotland, taking into account the recommendations arising from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.
Annex H - DEFRA / SEPA Process Guidance Note 5/2(12)
Report examining current practice regarding the cremation of infants and making recommendations for improvement for the future.
Annex: Environmental Protection Regimes
Planning Advice Note (PAN) 51, (revised in 2006) supports the existing policy on the role of the planning system in relation to the environmental protection regimes.
Consultation on proposals for transposing the Medium Combustion Plant Directive into domestic legislation.
Part 1 Code of Practice on Assessment of Odour Nuisance from Waste Water Treatment Works
Voluntary code of practice on odour control from sewage works.
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