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Showing 2,191 to 2,200 of 2,720 results for pollution

  1. Section 2 - Overview of FLG Recommendations

    This consultation provides an overview of the key themes and recommendations emerging from the Farmer Led Group process, setting out a number of key questions to inform wider work on the development of agricultural policy and in particular the

    Part of:
    Agricultural transition - first steps towards our national policy: consultation
  2. Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill: BRIA report

    Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) report for the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets)(Scotland) Bill.

  3. 4. Analysis and reporting

    An analysis report summarising and describing the responses to the public consultation on establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet

    Part of:
    Establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet: consultation analysis
  4. 5. How the opinions expressed have been taken into account

    Our policy position of no support for the development of unconventional oil and gas (UOG) in Scotland.

    Part of:
    Unconventional oil and gas: strategic environmental assessment - post adoption statement
  5. Section B: District Heating Regulation

    Scottish Government consultation paper on local heat and energy efficiency strategies (LHEES) and regulation of district heating.

    Part of:
    Heat and energy efficiency strategies and district heating regulation: consultation
  6. Considering third party representations in connection with applications under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) Regulations 2005

    This paper relates to applications for activities in the water environment, such as discharges, abstraction of water, and engineering or construction works.

  7. 4.1 Appendix A - Flow chart of legal process of Flood Protection Scheme

    Guidance on local authorities’ powers under Part 4 of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009, particularly section 56 and the statutory procedures for flood protection schemes.

    Part of:
    Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009: local authority functions under part 4 guidance
  8. Executive summary

    Evidence review of potential climate change mitigation measures in Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use and Waste.

    Part of:
    Climate change: evidence review in Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use, Waste

    Annex A of Planning Advice Note (PAN) 50 provides advice on how the planning system can be used to keep noise emissions from surface mineral workings within environmentally acceptable limits.

    Part of:
    Planning Advice Note 50: controlling the environmental effects of surface mineral workings (Annex A)
  10. 6. Anticipated Significant Effects

    Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Climate Change Bill: Consultation Proposals: Final Environmental Report (Post-Consultation Issue) November 2008

    Part of:
    Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Scottish Climate Change Bill: Consultation Proposals: Environmental Report
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