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Showing 2,401 to 2,410 of 2,719 results for pollution
Annex A: Baseline Policies in the pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan
A Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)
Appendix I: Annotated Bibliography
The report describes research into the scale of the trade in imported and illegally bred puppies.
Section 5
Analysis of the responses received to the consultation on the draft Strategic Management Plan for the Scottish Crown Estate.
4 SEA Methodology
Findings of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of the consultation draft of Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029.
3. Analysis
Report providing independent analysis of the responses to the public consultation on draft local development planning regulations and guidance, that closed in March 2022.
9. Recommendations
Research to investigate whether changes made to the building standards guidance in 2015 (standard 3.14) have resulted in better occupant interaction with the dwellings natural ventilation components and improved levels of indoor air quality within
Section 11. Crosscutting or overarching marine planning policies
This report outlines the Working Group response to comments received in relation to the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Planning Issues and Options Consultation Paper.
3 Baseline and environmental problems
This SEA investigates the likely significant effects on the environment.
6. What are the likely significant environmental effects of the draft NPF4?
Non-technical summary outlining the integrated impact assessment carried out for Scotland’s draft fourth National Planning Framework.
5 Part 4 – Ventilation
An analysis of the responses to the 2021 public consultation on a review of building standards relating to energy standards and associated topics, including ventilation, overheating and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
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