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Showing 25,691 to 25,700 of 25,937 results for Procurement of care and support services


    This document provides guidance for the NHS in preparing for, and managing public health incidents in collaboration with partners, especially the Local Authorities.

    Part of:
    Management of Public Health Incidents: Guidance on the Roles and Responsibilities of NHS led Incident Management Teams - October 2011 (Updated July 2013)
  2. 12 The Child's Plan

    This is a report on Analysis of Responses to the Consultation on Draft Statutory Guidance for Parts 4, 5 & 18 (Section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

    Part of:
    Analysis Of Responses To The Consultation On Draft Statutory Guidance For Parts 4, 5 & 18 (Section 96) Of The Children And Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
  3. Responses to the Scottish Government public consultation on the draft Regulations and Orders that will accompany the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 (Set 1 of 2)

    Responses to the Scottish Government public consultation on the draft Regulations and Orders that will accompany the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 (Set 1 of 2)

  4. chapter 7 emergency detention certificate (part 5)

    Volume 2 of the Code of Practice for the Mental Health (Care andTreatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 (“the Act”) deals with a range of issuesrelating to what can be termed “civil compulsory powers”.

    Part of:
    mental health (care and treatment) (scotland) act 2003 code of practice volume 2 ?civil compulsory powers (parts 5, 6, 7 and 20)
  5. chapter 5 final disposal

    This Volume of the Code of Practice for the Mental Health (Care andTreatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 covers a range of issues relating tomentally disordered offenders.

    Part of:
    mental health (care and treatment) (scotland) act 2003: code of practice- volume 3 compulsory powers in relation to mentally disordered offenders
  6. Annex B -Technical Details Of The Survey

    This report presents findings from the Scottish Government core module in the 2013 Scottish Social Attitudes survey. It discusses changing attitudes to government, the economy and standards of living, the health service and social care, and social

    Part of:
    Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 2013: core module - attitudes to Government, the economy, health and social care services, and social capital in Scotland
  7. Article 12 - European Reference Networks

    This consultation document sets out the Scottish Government’s approach to implementation of the EU Directive on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare. It seeks views on the detail of the implementation, and examines the

    Part of:
    Cross Border Healthcare & Patient Mobility: Public Consultation on Scotland's Transposition and Implementation of Directive 2011/24 EU on the Application of Patients' Rights in Cross-border Healthcare.
  8. Scope

    This consultation is the first step in a legal process to underpin the Scottish Welfare Fund in legislation. It also seeks views on options for independent scrutiny of decisions made by local authorities on applications to the Scottish Welfare Fund.

    Part of:
    Consultation on draft Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill and options for challenging decisions made by local authorities on applications to the Scottish Welfare Fund
  9. POCA – Section 410 Code of Practice.

    We are consulting on draft code of practice on powers by proper persons to exercise a series of investigatory orders and warrants under Chapter 3 of Part 8 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

    Part of:
    Proceeds of Crime Act 2002: consultation
  10. 7 The Named Person Service: Considerations relating to different groups

    This is a report on Analysis of Responses to the Consultation on Draft Statutory Guidance for Parts 4, 5 & 18 (Section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

    Part of:
    Analysis Of Responses To The Consultation On Draft Statutory Guidance For Parts 4, 5 & 18 (Section 96) Of The Children And Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
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