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Showing 25,831 to 25,840 of 25,908 results for Procurement of care and support services
Supporting documents
Information about the support and services available in Scotland, including information on housing, education, healthcare, employment, benefits and social care and other information.
Supporting documents
Fairer Scotland Duty Summary relating to the Self-Isolation Support Grant (SISG)
Supporting documents
Presents the latest figures on the number of people in Scotland who use Direct Payments to purchase and manage for themselves some or all of the social care and support services they need.
Supporting documents
This is a quality standard framework for health boards and third sector organisations to apply to their peer support services.
Supporting documents
Consultation seeking views on draft regulations relating to adult carer support plans, young carer statements and short breaks services statements.
Supporting documents
This publication presents the latest information on new clients meeting eligibility criteria for social care support, and the waiting times between first contact, completion of a community care assessment and delivery of a new personal care service.
Supporting documents
Evaluation of ten projects funded by the National Development Project Fund (NDPF) - part of our investment in services to support people with problem alcohol and drug use.
Supporting documents
Where Scottish Ministers propose to make regulations under the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018, they must make proposals publicly available. This page contains draft Carer Support Payment (Scotland) 2023 regulations which were sent to the
Supporting documents
Revised guidance to reflect developments in policy, practice and legislation both in the overall context of adult support and protection and in day-to-day activity. It provides information and detail to support practical application of the 2007 Act
Supporting documents
Describes how your feedback to our consultation helped to shape the final revisions to the ASP Guidance for GPs and Primary Care Teams.
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