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Showing 25,901 to 25,908 of 25,908 results for Procurement of care and support services
Supporting documents
This is the first children and young people’s services plan in Scotland to focus on the support provided by allied health professionals (AHPs). The plan sets the direction of travel for the design and delivery of AHP services to meet the
Supporting documents
A scoping review to support our understanding of diet, weight and type 2 diabetes in minority ethnic groups in Scotland, their access and experiences of services to support weight management and type 2 diabetes, and recommendations for change.
Supporting documents
Responses received to the consultation on section 268 appeals.
Supporting documents
We are seeking views on the clinical pathways and guidance for healthcare professionals working to support adults who present having experienced rape or sexual assault.
Supporting documents
A draft sensory impairment strategy for Scotland
Supporting documents
The Charter for Safe Havens sets out the agreed principles and standards for the routine operation of Safe Havens in Scotland where data from electronic records can be used to support research when it is not practicable to obtain individual patient
Supporting documents
responses from organisation and individuals in relation to the National Confidential Forum Consultation paper
Supporting documents
Responses to the Draft Carers (Waiving of Charges for Support) (Scotland) Regulations 2014 - A public consultation on draft regulations to accompany the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013.
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