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Showing 2,651 to 2,655 of 2,655 results for private landlord prescribed information

  1. Supporting documents

    This pack applies to tenancies created before 1 December 2017. From then on, new Private Residential Tenancies will not require a Tenant Information Pack.

    Part of:
    Tenant Information Pack (revised December 2016)
  2. Supporting documents

    Joint Scottish Government and COSLA consultation on the proposals for new prevention of homelessness duties. This consultation creates an opportunity for individuals and organisations to have their say on changes to the homelessness system in

    Part of:
    Prevention of homelessness duties: consultation
  3. Supporting documents

    EQIA of the policy ending the 10% discount for landlord online registration.

    Part of:
    Landlord registration: removal of online discount - equality impact assessment
  4. Supporting documents

    Analysis of responses to our public consultation on changes to fee structure and required prescribed information for landlord registration.

    Part of:
    Landlord registration - review of applications and fees: consultation analysis
  5. Supporting documents

    Guidance for private landlords on pre-action protocols and seeking repossession of private rented housing on rent arrears grounds.

    Part of:
    Pre-action protocols and seeking repossession of private rented housing on rent arrears grounds
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