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Showing 261 to 270 of 282 results for `Pupil Census data`

  1. Chapter 5: Performance Assessment & Evaluation

    Second Developing the Young Workforce annual report covering the academic year 2015 to 2016.

    Part of:
    Developing the Young Workforce Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy 2nd Annual Report 2015/2016
  2. ANNEX A

    The first annual report on Scotland's youth employment strategy, setting out progress in year one of implementing the seven-year programme.

    Part of:
    Developing the Young Workforce: annual report 2014-15
  3. Footnotes

    We carried out an evaluation, supported by COSLA and the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), of access to free period products in educational settings during the first full academic year of delivery, from 1 September 2018 to 31 August 2019.

    Part of:
    Access to free period products in educational settings during the 2018-19 academic year: monitoring and evaluation report
  4. 1. School Attainment

    Analysis undertaken as part of stage one of the Learner Journey review examining current education and training provision for 15 to 24 year olds in Scotland.

    Part of:
    15 to 24 Learner Journey Review phase one: analysis

    Response to Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland.

    Part of:
    Scottish Government's response to Making Sense: Education for Children and Young People with Dyslexia in Scotland
  6. Chapter 6: Performance Assessment and Evaluation

    The third annual report on Scotland's youth employment strategy, setting out progress in the academic year 2016 to 2017

    Part of:
    Developing the Young Workforce: annual report 2016-2017
  7. Key Findings

    Equality impact assessment (EQIA) to consider the impacts on families with a protected characteristic where a further year of funded ELC is offered as parents have decided to defer their child's entry to P1 for a year.

    Part of:
    The Provision Of Early Learning And Childcare (Specified Children) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020: equality impact assessment Results
  8. Guidance - Chapter 4: Plans and reports

    Statutory guidance covering provisions under the Education (Scotland) Act 2016 which amend the Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000.

    Part of:
    Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 statutory guidance
  9. 2. Methods

    This paper presents the methods of using routinely collected health, education and social care data to evaluate the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) in Scotland using a natural experiment methodology.

    Part of:
    Family Nurse Partnership evaluation: methods and process
  10. 3. Attainment

    This publication presents post review attainment for 2014/15 school leavers, initial and follow-up school leaver destinations for 2014/15, and information on the healthy living survey taken in February 2016.

    Part of:
    Summary statistics for attainment, leaver destinations and healthy living, No.6: 2016 Edition
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