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10 Conclusions and recommendations
Case studies examining farm workers in Scottish agriculture and the international seasonal migrant labour market.
6.0 Scottish Firms Impact Test
Final Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) for the introduction of market restrictions on problematic single-use plastic items as identified in Article 5 of the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive (EU SUPD).
2. Introduction
Report on our short term lets: consultation on draft Licensing Order and draft business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) which ran from 25 June 2021 to 13 August 2021.
2. Business - economic capital
Overview of responses submitted to Advisory Group on Economic Recovery regarding Scottish economic response to Covid-19. This document supports the initial AGER report published earlier by offering a more detailed analysis of the submissions
Proposed actions
An analysis of responses to the consultation on the draft science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) strategy.
Section 1: Staff views and understanding of donation and the opt-out authorisation system
Findings from qualitative research undertaken between October 2019 and January 2020, with NHS staff involved in organ and tissue donation across Scotland, concerning attitudes toward organ and tissue donation and ‘The Human Tissue (Authorisation)
Appendix D: Relevant policy
Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) of the Fair Work Action Plan 2022 and Anti-Racist Employment Strategy 2022.
6. Our Actions
Our programme to reduce waste and create a more productive and circular economy. Part of the Zero Waste agenda and economic strategy.
Annex: Detailed Response to Recommendations
The Scottish Government’s response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery report “Towards a Robust, Resilient Wellbeing Economy for Scotland: Report of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery.”
Appendix A: Analysis of Q35 to Q43
Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on supporting Scotland's recovery from coronavirus. This relates to the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill.
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