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Showing 2,921 to 2,930 of 3,030 results for gifts & hospitality
Introduction and Background
This consultation document is about section 38 of the Act, which relates to the duty to notify and provide information about victims.
7. Submissions from Individuals
Overview of responses submitted to Advisory Group on Economic Recovery regarding Scottish economic response to Covid-19. This document supports the initial AGER report published earlier by offering a more detailed analysis of the submissions
The Future of Work in a Digital Economy
This paper is a supplement to the ‘Building Trust in the Digital Era: Achieving Scotland’s Aspirations as an Ethical Digital Nation’ Report. The case studies have fed into the core report content, helping to position the ethical challenges
3 Should a transitional scheme be introduced?
Analysis of responses to the public consultation on possible transitional arrangements relating to the 2017 non-domestic rating revaluation.
ICT Criteria
This paper sets out the Scottish Government’s response to the call for evidence by the Migration Advisory Committee's (MAC) call on Intra-Company Transfers. It provides evidence on the use by businesses with a base in Scotland as well as outlining
Housing to 2040 and the Protected Characteristics
Housing to 2040: Equalities position statement
1. Scale of Prostitution - Estimating the Numbers Involved - Scotland Wide and the Four Largest Cities
Exploration of available knowledge and evidence on the scale and nature of prostitution in Scotland based on practitioner-based interviews.
8. Themes
Presents a summary of the analysis from the consultation on our Draft Delivery Plan for 2016 to 2020 on the UNCRPD.
E. Summary costs and benefits by sectors and groups affected
Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) relating to the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2021 (“the Licensing Order”) and the Town And Country Planning (Short-Term Let Control Areas) (Scotland)
This equality impact assessment (EQIA) is to analyse the potential impacts for each protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 of amending the definition of fully vaccinated to include the requirement for a booster if a primary course of
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