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Showing 21 to 30 of 220 results for `Census data collection`

  1. Scottish Care Homes Census

    The Scottish Care Home Census data are collected on an annual basis via an electronic system called eForms which is maintained by the Care Inspectorate.

    Part of:
    Health and community care statistics: information for data suppliers
  2. Inpatient census 2017: guidance and documentation for data suppliers

    Guidance and documentation for data suppliers for the 2017 Inpatient Census.

    Part of:
    Health and community care statistics: information for data suppliers
  3. Data gaps

    The Care Home Data Review (CHDR) is a collaboration between Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland and Care Inspectorate, with the aim of improving the care home data landscape. This report details the feedback to the review and presents

    Part of:
    Care Home Data Review - Full Report
  4. Chapter 8: Glossary

    Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) levels: 2022/23 provides information on national performance in literacy and numeracy, based on all pupils in publicly funded Primary 1, Primary 4, Primary 7 and Secondary 3 classes, and for all pupils

    Part of:
    Achievement of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) levels: 2022/23
  5. Data and methodology

    This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on outdoor vegetable crops in Scotland during 2023.

    Part of:
    Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2023
  6. Inpatient census 2016: guidance and documentation

    Guidance and documentation for data suppliers for the Inpatient Census 2016.

    Part of:
    Health and community care statistics: information for data suppliers
  7. Methodology and further information

    Results from the Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care (HBCCC) and Long Stay Census, carried out in April 2023. The data was collected as part of the Inpatient Census.

    Part of:
    Mental Health Inpatient Census 2023 Part 3: hospital-based complex clinical care and long stay
  8. Scottish Exchange of Data: secure accommodation

    Information and documentation relating to the provision of data for the annual Secure Accommodation data collection.

    Part of:
    Scottish Exchange of Data (ScotXed)
  9. Inpatient census 2018: guidance and documentation for data suppliers

    Guidance and documentation for data suppliers for the 2018 Inpatient Census.

    Part of:
    Health and community care statistics: information for data suppliers
  10. 2. Census Design and other processes

    National Records of Scotland is planning for Scotland’s Census 2021. A lot can change in the 10 years between censuses. To help inform our planning, this consultation will seek information from users about their needs. This will help determine the

    Part of:
    Scotland's Census 2021 Topic Consultation
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