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Showing 21 to 30 of 37 results for `Inclusive Education Working Group recommendations`
3. Remit, Terms Of Reference Of The Working Group And Strategic Work Plan
Group's recommendations to the Scottish Ministers.
Chapter 3: Assessing the Impacts and Identifying Opportunities to Promote Equality
Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the Non-Binary Equality Action Plan
Section 35 Order Judicial Review: Scottish Government response
Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Shirley-Anne Somerville.
Part 2 - Equality Outcomes
Provides an update on progress made in promoting equality across activities and in delivering on a range of equality outcomes set in 2017.
2. Ending Child Poverty
Progress made by the Scottish Government on the 50 actions outlined in the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, published in October 2016.
Chapter 2: Scotland as a Land of Opportunity
The Programme for Government sets out the actions we will take in the coming year and beyond. It includes the legislative programme for this parliamentary year.
Strategic Board for Teacher Education meeting papers: November 2020
Papers for the meeting of the Strategic Board for Teacher Education on 9 November 2020.
Annex B
Sets out the vision and priorities for Scottish education and the improvements that need to be made to help deliver those priorities.
Strand 2: Giving Young People More Control
Update on actions within the Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy.
Chapter 4 Overview by Protected Characteristics
An Equality and Fairer Scotland assessment of proposed spending plans by ministerial portfolios for 2019 to 2020.
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