Search Results
Showing 21 to 30 of 42 results for `Pollution in Countries`
5. Health and Environment
Conclusions and recommendations from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.
Analysis of Responses
This is a summary of responses from a Scottish Government call for evidence on single-use food containers and other commonly littered or problematic single-use items. The report brings together a range of evidence and views from stakeholders to
Part Two: Existing policy frameworks for just transitions and other forms of socio-economic restructuring processes
Report prepared for the Just Transition Commission providing a comparison of just transitions in other countries.
Air pollution - health impacts: summary research findings
This report presents a summary of the research findings from the evidence on health impacts of low-level air pollution in countries with levels of ambient concentrations comparable to Scotland.
Chapter 2: Taking Care of Our Planet
This is the Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Gregor Smith's fourth Annual Report, and the eighth report on Realistic Medicine. The overarching aim of Realistic Medicine is to deliver better value care for patients, and for our health and care
2. Summary of Recommendations
Conclusions and recommendations from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.
Low-level pollution - health impacts: evidence review
This review explores the existing evidence on the health effects associated with low-level pollution in countries that have levels of ambient air pollution similar to Scotland.
1. Health – A Precautionary Approach
A new air quality strategy to replace Cleaner Air for Scotland - The Road to a Healthier Future, setting out the Scottish Government's air quality policy framework for the next five years and a series of actions to deliver further air quality
5. Measures of Economic Progress[45]
An overview of how the Council operates, and the areas they focused on from 2015 to 2016.
6. Findings Part 1: International policy perspectives on reducing international impacts of Scotland's consumption and production
This report supports the research project ‘Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland’s Global Footprint: Evidence Base and Policy Levers’. It summarises examples of international best practice in relation to policy levers for
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