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Showing 301 to 305 of 305 results for `This Child rights and wellbeing impact assessment`

  1. Supporting documents

    The child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) screening for Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

    Part of:
    Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment screening
  2. Supporting documents

    This assessment identifies and analyses the impact of the Scottish General Election (Coronavirus) Bill on children's human rights and wellbeing, to ensure these are protected and promoted in policymaking. This Bill outlines contingency measures for

    Part of:
    Scottish General Election (Coronavirus) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
  3. Supporting documents

    This report evidences the consideration that has been given to the impact the Defamation and Malicious Publication (Scotland) Bill will have on children and young people.

    Part of:
    Defamation and Malicious Publication (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
  4. Supporting documents

    Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA) for the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill.

    Part of:
    Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
  5. Supporting documents

    This policy is intended to enable women from Northern Ireland who are in Scotland to have an abortion using NHS services without being charged.

    Part of:
    Functions of Health Boards (Scotland) Amendment Order 2017: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment
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