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Showing 421 to 430 of 904 results for `air pollution`

  1. 1. Introduction to the draft forestry strategy

    The consultation draft builds on and modernises the approach undertaken in previous strategies. It provides a 10-year framework for action to help achieve a 50-year vision for Scotland’s woodlands and forests.

    Part of:
    Scotland's Forestry Strategy 2019-2029: consultation draft
  2. Chapter 2

    We are seeking your views on the draft Respiratory Care Action Plan for Scotland and the commitments it sets out.

    Part of:
    Draft respiratory care action plan: consultation
  3. 6 Appendix A – Scopus search terms

    Review of the existing evidence on public attitudes and behaviour related to air pollution to inform the draft of the new Cleaner Air for Scotland (CAFS) strategy.

    Part of:
    Cleaner Air for Scotland – air quality public attitudes and behaviour: final report
  4. Annex B: Air Quality Specific Policies

    Research findings on improving air quality outcomes that will help inform policy development for National Planning Framework 4.

    Part of:
    National Planning Framework 4 - improving air quality outcomes: research
  5. Cleaner air for Scotland: progress report 2018-2019

    Final annual progress report for the Scottish Government’s cleaner air for Scotland strategy.

  6. Annex C

    We are seeking your views on the draft Respiratory Care Action Plan for Scotland and the commitments it sets out.

    Part of:
    Draft respiratory care action plan: consultation
  7. 6. Industrial Emissions Regulation

    Consultation on a draft new air quality strategy for Scotland, taking into account the recommendations arising from the independent review of the Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy.

    Part of:
    Cleaner Air for Scotland 2: consultation
  8. 10. National Modelling Framework

    A strategy setting out the Scottish Government's proposals for delivering further improvements to air quality.

    Part of:
    Cleaner air for Scotland: the road to a healthier future
  9. 3 Land use and the environment

    Scotland's land use strategy.

    Part of:
    Getting the best from our land: land use strategy for Scotland
  10. Chapter 1: Supporting Our Energy System

    Based on Scotland's energy strategy, this document looks at the ways in which Scotland's electricity and gas network infrastructure will continue to support the energy transition.

    Part of:
    Scotland's electricity and gas networks: vision to 2030
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