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Showing 49,091 to 49,100 of 50,023 results for Greenspace types
Supporting documents
Scotland's offshore wind route map: Developing Scotland's offshore wind industry to 2020.
Supporting documents
Findings from the third phase of the Scottish Study of Early Learning and Childcare (SSELC), a research project established to evaluate the expansion of early learning and childcare in Scotland.
Supporting documents
This is an updated version of the data protection impact assessment originally published for the introduction of the Forensic Medical Services (Victims of Sexual Offences) (Scotland) Bill in November 2019.
Supporting documents
Summary reflecting local authorities stretch aims for 2022 to 2023 for progress in raising attainment and closing the poverty-related attainment gap.
Supporting documents
Best Start Grant Service Level Agreement Between The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and Scottish Ministers
Supporting documents
This report presents findings from the 2014 Scottish Social Attitudes survey on the attitudes of the Scottish public to the following forms of violence against women: sexual violence, domestic abuse (physical, verbal, mental and emotional), sexual
Supporting documents
Evidence review of potential climate change mitigation measures in the Transport sector.
Supporting documents
Equality impact assessment (EQIA) relating to Humanist Society Scotland's authority to solemnise and register civil partnerships.
Supporting documents
The Scottish Government’s mental health strategy to 2015 sets out a range of key commitments across the full spectrum of mental health improvement, services and recovery to ensure delivery of effective, quality care and treatment for people with a
Supporting documents
Review of contaminant monitoring currently undertaken in Scotland's seas
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