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Showing 41 to 50 of 282 results for `Pupil Census data`
3. Using and developing an evidence base
Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the school age childcare (SACC) programme.
Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No 5: 2014 Edition
This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, early learning and childcare data and school estates data.
Results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, early learning and childcare provision and school estate survey data.
Chapter 8: Background notes
This contains the results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CFE) levels 2017/2018.
Statistics on school meal uptake from the 2024 School Healthy Living Survey
Summary statistics for schools in Scotland - No. 6: 2015 Edition
This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, early learning and childcare data , school estates data, attendance and absence data and exclusions data.
Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland No.4 : 2013 Edition
This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, pre-school data, school estates data, attendance and absence data and exclusions data.
Section 7. Glossary and symbols used
This statistical publication provides information on the educational attainment and initial destinations of 2022-23 school leavers from publicly funded schools in Scotland.
Chapter 6: School Estates
Results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, early learning and childcare provision and school estate survey data.
Chapter 10: Background notes
This contains the results of the achievement of curriculum for excellence (CfE) levels data collection.
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