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Showing 521 to 530 of 540 results for `June Agricultural Census`

  1. 3. Land abandonment

    Report to help inform preparations for the transition from Less Favoured Areas (LFAs) to Areas of Natural Constraint (ANCs).

    Part of:
    Evaluation of less favoured area support scheme
  2. 1 Introduction and Background

    Case studies examining farm workers in Scottish agriculture and the international seasonal migrant labour market.

    Part of:
    Farm workers in Scottish agriculture: case studies
  3. Appendix 1: Farm Business Survey

    Case studies examining farm workers in Scottish agriculture and the international seasonal migrant labour market.

    Part of:
    Farm workers in Scottish agriculture: case studies
  4. Supporting documents

    Final results from the 2020 June Agricultural Census on land use, crop areas, livestock and the number of people working on agricultural holdings. These results replace the provisional figures published on 6 October 2020.

    Part of:
    Scottish Agricultural Census: final results - June 2020
  5. 3 Trends and number of seasonal migrant workers

    Case studies examining farm workers in Scottish agriculture and the international seasonal migrant labour market.

    Part of:
    Farm workers in Scottish agriculture: case studies
  6. 8. Implications for Scottish Agri-Food and Farming

    This research assesses the impacts of future Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between the UK and four selected non-EU trading partners on key Scottish agricultural sectors. The work combines trade-model and farm-level analysis, supplemented by industry

    Part of:
    Agricultural food and drink sector - impact of future UK Free Trade Agreement scenarios: research
  7. 10 Conclusions and recommendations

    Case studies examining farm workers in Scottish agriculture and the international seasonal migrant labour market.

    Part of:
    Farm workers in Scottish agriculture: case studies
  8. Supporting documents

    Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland.

    Part of:
    Scottish Agricultural Census: June 2019
  9. Appendix A2. Review of models and tools for quantitative assessment of the wider impacts of ALULUCF GHG mitigation options

    Evidence review of potential climate change mitigation measures in Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use and Waste.

    Part of:
    Climate change: evidence review in Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use, Waste
  10. Supporting documents

    Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland.

    Part of:
    Scottish Agricultural Census: June 2018
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