Search Results
Showing 641 to 650 of 904 results for `air pollution`
4. Stage 3 - Outcomes
Research findings on improving air quality outcomes that will help inform policy development for National Planning Framework 4.
Package 4: Improve recycling from commercial businesses
Through this consultation we set out our proposals for a Route Map to 2025, our strategic plan to deliver Scotland’s zero waste and circular economy ambitions. This consultation invites views on the proposed priorities and actions to reach our
Chapter 16 Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform
An Equality and Fairer Scotland assessment of proposed spending plans by ministerial portfolios for 2019 to 2020.
Annex A Appropriate Assessment of National Developments
Details the Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) process that has been carried out in support of National Planning Framework 4, as required under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (as amended).
Annex A: Selection Criteria for Screening Schedule 2 Development
Guidance on The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017.
5. modelling results and potential impacts
Potential impact on noise levels of our plans to reduce the overall burden of Air Departure Tax (ADT) by 50%.
7 Cross-cutting themes
Evidence review of potential climate change mitigation measures in the Built Environment sector.
14. Environment
Presents key trends for Scotland across all areas of governement activity.
Non-Technical Summary
Environmental report for the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of our preferred policy position on unconventional oil and gas in Scotland.
Appendix C: Survey research findings
Results of an independent study into Scottish public attitudes to the environment, agriculture and rural development.
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