Search Results
Showing 661 to 670 of 904 results for `air pollution`
9. Transport
Draft of the climate change plan, the third report on proposals and policies (RPP3) for meeting Scotland’s annual greenhouse gas emissions targets.
Heat in Buildings Bill consultation: strategic environmental assessment
Strategic Environmental Assessment to support the consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill.
Section 10: disposal of animal carcasses
Code of good practice, giving practical advice to farmers and others on minimising pollution.
Section 1: Objectives, Policies And Proposals
Details Scottish Minister's objectives, policies and proposals to tackle the climate change impacts to Scotland from the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment.
5. Human health
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for the proposed actions for the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy.
Chapter 4 - SEA Findings
Draft strategic environmental assessment of the update to the Climate Change Plan 2018 to 2032. The appendices are available as a supporting file on this page.
Executive summary
Evidence review of potential climate change mitigation measures in the Transport sector.
Section 4: the collection, storage and application to land of livestock slurries and manures
Code of good practice, giving practical advice to farmers and others on minimising pollution.
Chapter 11 Rural Affairs and the Environment
Scottish Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13
Planning Advice Note (PAN) 51, (revised in 2006) supports the existing policy on the role of the planning system in relation to the environmental protection regimes.
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