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Showing 61 to 70 of 602 results for `environmental pollution`
The Vulnerability Report details the process undertaken to determine the key pressures acting on seabirds whilst at Scottish seas and at breeding colonies and used to inform the development of the Scottish Seabird Conservation Action Plan.
Views of Children and Young People
An independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on the national Good Food Nation Plan
Section 13: prevention and control of emissions to air
Code of good practice, giving practical advice to farmers and others on minimising pollution.
Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 strategy: progress report
This sets out the policy framework for air quality in Scotland to 2026 and includes a comprehensive list of actions across ten policy areas. This third annual report summarises progress on actions since the last report in September 2023.
Inter-Ministerial Group for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: November 2024
Minutes from the inter-ministerial group meeting (EFRA) on 18 November 2024.
Section 7: silos and silage effluent
Code of good practice, giving practical advice to farmers and others on minimising pollution.
7. Impact on people using peat for fuel and on island communities
Ending the Sale of Peat in Scotland: Analysis of Consultation Responses
Section 2: diffuse agricultural pollution
Code of good practice, giving practical advice to farmers and others on minimising pollution.
6. Industrial Activities Technical Provisions
This consultation sets out proposals for incorporating SEPA’s four main regulatory regimes into an integrated environmental authorisation framework as part of Scottish Government and SEPA’s joint Better Environmental Regulation Programme.
Scotland's seas and our marine sector
This paper sets out the Scottish Government's vision for the marine sector in an independent Scotland.
There is a problem
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