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Showing 61 to 70 of 223 results for `plastic pollution`

  1. 9. Cumulative Effects

    Environmental report for a consultation on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the supply of seven single-use plastic items and all oxo-degradable products, in Scotland, with the intended effect of reducing the volume and impact of

    Part of:
    EU single use plastics directive consultation: impact assessment - environmental report
  2. 11. Appendix A - Addressing Responses from Consultative Authorities

    Environmental report for a consultation on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the supply of seven single-use plastic items and all oxo-degradable products, in Scotland, with the intended effect of reducing the volume and impact of

    Part of:
    EU single use plastics directive consultation: impact assessment - environmental report
  3. Threats to the marine environment

    Headline findings from an online survey with the public in Scotland on the topic of ocean literacy - exploring the public's understanding of the marine environment. It is part of a wider project covering England and Wales.

    Part of:
    Ocean literacy survey: headline findings
  4. 6. Strategic Direction 4

    Analysis report of responses to the consultation on a refreshed Marine Litter Strategy for Scotland.

    Part of:
    Marine litter strategy for Scotland: consultation analysis
  5. 8. Soil

    Environmental report for a consultation on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the supply of seven single-use plastic items and all oxo-degradable products, in Scotland, with the intended effect of reducing the volume and impact of

    Part of:
    EU single use plastics directive consultation: impact assessment - environmental report
  6. Annex C – The Definition of Plastic

    Draft guidance for the implementation of the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 (the Regulations). A final version will be produced before the Regulations come into force on 1 June 2022.

    Part of:
    Single-Use Plastics Regulations: draft guidance
  7. Annex A: Final Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

    This refreshed marine litter strategy outlines new priority actions to tackle marine litter in Scotland, building on the work already conducted through the original strategy.

    Part of:
    Marine litter strategy
  8. 10. Assessment Conclusions and Recommendations

    Environmental report for a consultation on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the supply of seven single-use plastic items and all oxo-degradable products, in Scotland, with the intended effect of reducing the volume and impact of

    Part of:
    EU single use plastics directive consultation: impact assessment - environmental report
  9. Footnotes

    This report updates data referenced in the previous National Litter Strategy (2014) on the scale and cost of litter and flytipping in Scotland to inform the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy (2023).

    Part of:
    Scale and Cost of Litter and Flytipping: Scotland
  10. 4. Strategic Directions And Actions

    This refreshed marine litter strategy outlines new priority actions to tackle marine litter in Scotland, building on the work already conducted through the original strategy.

    Part of:
    Marine litter strategy
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