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Showing 691 to 700 of 709 results for `Agricultural Census`
Chapter 3 – Economic, social and fiscal impacts
The Evidence Annex sets out the main elements of the most robust date we have on migrants and migration in Scotland.
Criminal Proceedings in Scottish Courts 2006-07
Appendix A2. Review of models and tools for quantitative assessment of the wider impacts of ALULUCF GHG mitigation options
Evidence review of potential climate change mitigation measures in Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use and Waste.
Supporting documents
This report provides final results from the 2023 June Agricultural Census module covering: soil cover, tillage, irrigation, nutrient management, and fertiliser application and storage.
Annex 1: Charts for Headline Indicators
This paper provides updated data for the Food and Drink Technical Indicators used to measure the success of Scotland's National Food and Drink Policy.
Supporting documents
Final results from the 2021 June Agricultural Census on land use, crop areas, livestock and the number of people working on agricultural holdings.
Supporting documents
Privacy notices for current surveys run by the Scottish Government's rural and environmental science and analytical services (RESAS) division.
Supporting documents
Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland.
Supporting documents
Final results from the 2020 June Agricultural Census on land use, crop areas, livestock and the number of people working on agricultural holdings. These results replace the provisional figures published on 6 October 2020.
Supporting documents
Statistics regarding the area of crops and other farmland, livestock, agriculture workforce and rented farmland.
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