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For example, 21/01/2022

Showing 711 to 720 of 721 results for `Census 2022`

  1. Supporting documents

    This equality impact assessment (EQIA) supersedes the previous version from January 2020 and reflects the date of the census being moved from 2021 to 2022. Future iterations of the Scotland’s Census 2022 equality impact assessment can be found on

    Part of:
    Scotland's Census 2022: equality impact assessment - version 3
  2. Supporting documents

    An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign (February to March 2022), including independent evaluation results.

    Part of:
    Census campaign 2022: evaluation report - phase 1 (February to March 2022)
  3. Supporting documents

    Results from the Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care (HBCCC) and Long Stay Census, carried out in April 2022. The data was collected as part of the Inpatient Census.

    Part of:
    Inpatient census 2022: hospital based complex clinical care and long stay
  4. Supporting documents

    An overview of the Scotland's Census 2022 public engagement campaign extension (April to May 2022), including independent evaluation results.

    Part of:
    Census public engagement campaign 2022 – extension activity (April to May 2022): evaluation report
  5. Supporting documents

    Statistical publication providing information on the Health and Wellbeing Census 2021/22.

    Part of:
    Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021- 2022
  6. Supporting documents

    Technical report for the Health and Wellbeing Census 2021/22.

    Part of:
    Health and Wellbeing Census Scotland 2021-2022: technical report
  7. Supporting documents

    Data Zones and Intermediate Zones are small area geographies used in the production of official statistics in Scotland. They were first introduced in 2004 and revised in 2014. The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from users on

    Part of:
    Revising small area statistics geographies – data zones and intermediate zones: consultation
  8. Supporting documents

    Third publication of the Carers Census, covering unpaid carers being supported by local services across Scotland in 2021-22.

    Part of:
    Carers Census, Scotland, 2021-22
  9. Supporting documents

    This version has been superseded by version 3 published in September 2020 at

    Part of:
    Scotland's census 2021: equality impact assessment
  10. Supporting documents

    Statistical publication providing information on the Parental Involvement and Engagement Census 2021/22.

    Part of:
    Parental Involvement and Engagement Census Scotland 2021/22
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