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Showing 71 to 80 of 82 results for `Time for Inclusive Education`

  1. 2. General Principles

    The report sets out the progress made in relation to children's rights since June 2015.

    Part of:
    Progressing the human rights of children in Scotland: 2018 report
  2. Annex 1 - Organisations responding to the consultation

    This report presents the analysis of responses to our consultation on the draft Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill.

    Part of:
    Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill: consultation analysis
  3. Pàipearan-taice

    Deasbad Nàiseanta air Foghlam – geàrr-aithisg

    Part of:
    Tha Gach Neach-ionnsachaidh ann an Alba Cudromach: Ar Deasbad Nàiseanta Geàrr-aithisg
  4. Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme - Stakeholder Network Group minutes: September 2021

    Minutes from the group's meeting on 23 September 2021.

    Part of:
    Anti-Racism in Education Programme
  5. Stage 2: Data and evidence gathering, involvement and consultation

    This EQIA concerns the £20 million summer offer for children and young people, one of the Scottish Government's 100 Days commitments.

    Part of:
    Summer offer for children and young people - 'Get Into Summer' programme: equality impact assessment
  6. Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme - Stakeholder Network Group minutes: November 2021

    Minutes from the group's meeting on 25 November 2021.

    Part of:
    Anti-Racism in Education Programme
  7. National approach to anti-bullying: EQIA

    Revision of the existing national approach to anti-bullying for Scotland's children and young people policy guidance.

  8. Scottish Evidence

    Summary of Scottish and UK evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of children and young people.

    Part of:
    Coronavirus (COVID-19): children, young people and families - evidence summary - June 2021
  9. Introduction

    Our position statement on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

    Part of:
    Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women: position statement
  10. Children and young people

    An assessment of the impact of school closures and their re-opening on groups with protected characteristics and collates the considerations of all of the following - EQIA, FSDA, ICIA and BRIA.

    Part of:
    Coronavirus (COVID-19): closure and re-opening of schools - impact assessment
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