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Showing 71 to 80 of 103 results for `marine plastic pollution`

  1. Appendix 2: Activities Carried Out Under the Strategy

    Review of our national litter strategy "Towards a litter free Scotland: a strategic approach to higher quality local environments,” published in 2014.

    Part of:
    Litter strategy - five years on: review
  2. 4. Excellence

    Second annual report on progress with the STEM Education and Training Strategy which shows how we have built on progress in the first year to start to deliver benefits for educators and young people.

    Part of:
    STEM strategy for education and training: second annual report
  3. Footnotes

    The results of the final business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) undertaken for the national litter and flytipping strategy.

    Part of:
    Litter and flytipping strategy: final business and regulatory impact assessment
  4. Section 2 – Vulnerability Assessment and Scores

    The technical report for the proposed UK Dolphin and Porpoise Conservation Strategy, describing the process used to assess the vulnerability of the populations of the nine named species of cetaceans to current pressures in UK waters.

    Part of:
    UK dolphin and porpoise conservation strategy: technical report
  5. Section 5. Wider Social Impacts on Local Areas

    This report, on the socio-economic impacts of MPAs, found that there had been localised positive and negative impacts on coastal communities and industries, linked to MPA management measures.

    Part of:
    Monitoring the socio-economic impacts of Marine Protected Areas: report
  6. 1. Introduction

    The fifth report detailing progress on the implementation of the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy, covering the period 2017 to 2019, as required under the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004.

    Part of:
    Scottish Biodiversity Strategy: report to Parliament 2017 to 2019
  7. 4.0 Options

    Partial business and regulatory assessment (BRIA) for the proposed actions for the National Litter and Flytipping Strategy.

    Part of:
    National litter and flytipping consultation: business and regulatory impact assessment
  8. Preventing plastic pollution from pellet loss: supply chain approach

    Reducing the risk of plastic pellet loss, particularly during transfer along the supply chain.

  9. 2. Purpose and Intended Effect

    This document is a revised version of the final Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) published by the Scottish Government on 16/03/20. It reflects changes made to the design of DRS by The Deposit and Return Scheme for Scotland Amendment

    Part of:
    A Deposit Return Scheme for Scotland: Final Business Regulatory Impact Assessment
  10. 2.0 Purpose and Intended Effect

    Full business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) assessing the regulatory impacts of deposit return for drinks containers for businesses in Scotland.

    Part of:
    Deposit return scheme for Scotland: BRIA
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